Kapoho Beach Lots Online Forum

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The Kapoho Beach Lots community, independent of the KBCA Board of Directors, now manages an online forum for the discussion of community-wide issues and concerns among Kapoho Beach Lots property owners, long-term renters, caretakers, and rental property managers. The forum is not intended for postings of political, religious, or commercial nature. The offering of products and services that may be of interest to those within the community can be posted to the community bulletin board near the mailboxes outside the gate. You must be a registered member of the forum group in order to read or post messages to the forum. As the forum is hosted by Google, you will need a free Google Groups account in order to join and participate. You do not have to use a Gmail account for access or posting, but you will need to access the group from the same email address that you register with the forum.

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    READING GROUP MESSAGES–For your convenience and because there are typically few messages, by default, messages to the group are automatically sent to your email address. If you wish to continue receiving group messages via your email, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. There is an option to receive Abridged postings, which will send you a single daily summary of new posts. You can contact Gerrty Hills at stjohncaptain@aol.com and request this setting if you prefer to receive each post as it comes in.

    An alternative way to read messages is to go to http://groups.google.com/group/kapoho-beach-lots/. Instructions to create an account are below.

    SENDING (POSTING) MESSAGES TO THE GROUP–Members can post a message to the group by sending an email to kapoho-beach-lots@googlegroups.com. Note that ONLY MEMBERS can send emails to or read an email from this group. If you have multiple email addresses, you can only send emails to the group from the same email address that is registered with the group. You can also send a message by logging on to http://groups.google.com/group/kapoho-beach-lots/, but you will need a free Google Groups account to log in.


    You will need a Google Groups account to do any of the following:

    * Stop receiving messages automatically via email

    * Read group messages at http://groups.google.com/group/kapoho-beach-lots/

    * Post messages at http://groups.google.com/group/kapoho-beach-lots/

    * Upload a document, photo, or other files that you wish to share with the community

    To create a Google Groups account:

    1. Go to http://groups.google.com/group/kapoho-beach-lots

    2. On the left side of the web page, click on "Sign in to Google Groups" (do NOT click on Apply for group membership if you are already a member of the KBCA blog group).

    3. On the right side of the page, click on 'Create an account now.

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